- Sunday
- March 30th, 2025

In the ancient kingdom era, Yogyakarta, initially known as the capital kingdom of Mataram, historically has been recognized as the origin of the emergence of batik art in the country. Therefore, it is not surprising that Yogyakarta batik industry has...

Trusmi Village is a famous tourist destination for shopping Batik Cirebon. The village is known as batik center of the ‘Shrimp City’. The rows of batik showroom enliven along the right and left side of Trusmi Village. Some of the...

The Embryo of Batik Betawi borned in Jakarta, formerly known as Batavia region, it was developed since 1930’s until 1940’s. Batik businesses are carried out either in individual scale within home industries or bigger industrial scale. When telling her story...

In the last four years, it is known that current account deficit in Indonesia has widened to the highest level. Dollar dependency and lack of foreign capital flow, as well as lack of raw material for production have made Indonesia...

The government has been actively constricting the enter of import products through e-commerce, specifically for transactions exceeding the limit of exemption value and for commercial purpose. In just one year since the implementation of Minister of Finance Regulation number PMK...

Modern remote teams are made up of whatever combination of people can get online and get the work done. That means many different kinds of users are working together in the same tools — full-time employees, contractors, freelancers, vendors and...

Brand identity is a vital part of any business strategy. By establishing your brand, your business can connect with customers while aligning to your greater goals. A brand is not just a logo, although that is important — it’s everything your...