
The Singkawang Landscape

Singkawang is a city located in the province of West Kalimantan on the Borneo  island Indonesia. The name Singkawang comes from Hakka, San khew jong, which refers to a town on a hill near the sea and estuaries. It is...

The Customs and Excise Service Offices in Controlling Tobacco Product

Minister of Finance Indonesia announced the 2017 excise tariff rate for tobacco products. The decision to increase the excise tariff rate was taken after considering aspects of health, employment, illegal tobacco distribution, tobacco farmers, and state revenue. Excise remains an...

Home Economics Education as a Knowledge and Program

In the developing knowledge there was a Home Economics, now is known as Home Economics Education. The Knowledge related to home and family has been noticed by Mrs. Richard in New York since 1899, she begun by holding a professional...
h Indonesia National Single Window (INSW)

The implementation of Single Indentity Number (SIN)

Indonesia is currently on the process of implementing onedoor integrated business service, it begins with the implementation of Single Indentity Number (SIN) in customs activities. At the same time, Directorate General of Tax (DGT) is also developing SIN, which is...

Overcoming Poverty By Home Economics Education

The development of a country includes society among other things economy. Economic growth of a country and its society cover of economic field, such as food, clothing, and handicraft. This economic field could be expanded and developed as catering, garment,...

Single Indentity Number For All Business Practice

Clean business practice and modern bureaucracy are aspects to encourage a better economy condition. Business assurance and the compliance of tax duties payment are one of the keys to succeed of this nation’s development. One thing that is just as...

General framework of Project-Based Learning

A number of reports have raised about how to prepare tomorrow’ teachers. As we know in orienting TVET for sustainable development that the economic imperative needs to increase levels of productivity through widespread of technology and knowledge. It needs skilled...

Alternative of Teaching and Learning Model for Pre-service Teacher Education

Background Project Based Learning: Alternative of Teaching and Learning Model for Pre-service Teacher Education in TVET Advances in cognitive psychology have sharpened our understanding of the nature of skilled intellectual performance and provide a basis for designing environments conducive to learning....