Condition of The Aviation Industry In Indonesia And Global

The existence of Indonesia’s airport business cannot be separated from the dynamics that occur in aviation businesses both in Indonesia and worldwide. IATA notes that Asia has four out of five countries in the world that experienced an increase in...

Looking Ahead the National Logistics Performance

The port condition is a portrait of a country’s economy. There is the gate for world logistic. It takes concrete steps in developing it. Solution is in sight, but are we ready to do it? The World Bank recently issued...

Customs and The WCO: a Joint Response to Protect The  Environment

In commemoration of International Customs Day, The Secretary General of the World Customs Organization (WCO), Kunio Mikuriya, shares his views with Indonesian Customs on the critical role played by national Customs administrations in protecting the environment with the support of...
Slogan Fungsi Sosial Rumah Sakit

Masih Adakah Slogan Fungsi Sosial Rumah Sakit

RUMAH sakit telah tumbuh sebagai industri yang dikelola dengan kaidah-kaidah dagang yang sama persis dengan lahan bisnis lainnya. Ada uang, berarti tersedia kamar, dokter, suster, obat, pelayanan, dan perawatan. Bagi si kaya, tersedia banyak pilihan pelayanan kesehatan yang terbaik. Tersedia...

President University: Think Big, Start Small, Move Fast

The President Director of PT Jababeka, Tbk, S. Darmono, recently paid a visit to his ‘beloved son’, President University, to deliver speeches to students, something that he does annually since the university was first set up several years ago. Top...

Indonesia is a Very Strong Country

China’s Ambassador to Indonesia, H.E. Mrs. Zhang Qiyue - has said Indonesia has a golden opportunity to develop and that it is set to surge ahead in the coming years. “I always say to visitors from China that Indonesia is...

Fashionable Health Hazards

It is inevitable that we are judged by the way we dress. People often make judgments on others, about who they are, their line of business and their competencies from their physical appearances. However, many trendsetters are unwittingly paying the...

Belitung an Undiscovered Island Gem

Some Indonesian islands, such as Bali and Java, are household names the world over; others, like the Moluccan spice islands, were once well known but have since lost their economic importance and faded into obscurity. The island of Belitung lies...