Bali @ Cyber Café & Restaurant

Warung Internet Tertua di Indonesia

Meskipun belum ada sumber resminya, namun beberapa sumber menyebutkan bahwa keberadaan warung internet atau WARNET di mulai antara tahun 1996-1998. PT POS Indonesia telah menyediakan tempat untuk mengakses internet dengan nama Wasantara. Sedangkan CNRG (Computer & Network Research Group) ITB...
Virtual Credit Card (VCC)

Keuntungan Memiliki Virtual Credit Card (VCC)

Virtual Credit Card (VCC) adalah alat pembayaran online pengganti kartu kredit namun hanya dapat digunakan ketika membeli dengan barang dan jasa melalui internet. Kanal Informasi. VCC tidak dapat digunakan pada tempat-tempat yang biasa dapat menerima pembayaran dengan menggunakan kartu kredit konvensional...
keramik gerabah

Industri Seni Keramik

Benda keramik sebenarnya sudah ada sejak jaman purba. Konon telah ditemukan benda purbakala yang terbuat dari bahan dasar keramik. Pengertian keramik sendiri awalnya mengacu pada satu kata, “Seramos” yang artinya tanah liat yang dibakar. Kata tersebut berasal dari Yunani kemudian...

Flashback To The ASEAN Customs Director-General Meeting

The ASEAN Customs Director General Meeting in Bali has just ended. The official agenda shows that it is the 26th time Directors General holds a meetings, discuss strategic steps and determine the future of ASEAN customs. But what is the...

Inter-Sectoral Cooperation within the ASEAN Customs Frame

Meeting of the Director General of ASEAN Directorate General of Customs is to talk about customs cooperation in ASEAN as a whole. If moved backwards, the Customs in ASEAN has been longer than we thought. Since 1983, ASEAN Customs has...

Indonesia Wants ASEAN Customs to be strong on All Sectors

ASEAN customs experienced a significant changes after the Directorate General of Customs and Excise of Indonesia involving the private sector in the annual meeting of the Director General of ASEAN Customs to explore the economic development of the region. Now,...

Uniqueness Of The Wangi-Wangi Island Wakatobi

Wakatobi is not only charming with its underwater beauty. On the mainland, I also found a variety of uniqueness. At Wangi-Wangi Island, the capital of Wakatobi, I managed to visit the village of the Bajo tribe; the famous “sea adventurers”. See: The...
The Deep Blue Sea Of Wakatobi

The Deep Blue Sea Of Wakatobi

Snorkeling becomes a ‘must do’ activity when visiting Wakatobi in Southeast Sulawesi. Especially when you are not yet good in diving, snorkeling becomes an option. Like what I did a while ago with some friends from Jakarta, during our visit to...